Aldwickbury School Abuse

Aldwickbury School Banner

Aldwickbury School is a boys’ only private preparatory school in Harpenden, Hertfordshire.

In March 2014, news broke in the national, international and local press of allegations of historical sexual abuse at Aldwickbury School.

This website aims to offer support and advice to survivors of historic sexual abuse at Aldwickbury and their families and friends, and to promote transparency about the abuse that is alleged to have happened.

This site is victim-run and is paid for from settlement monies received in legal action against Aldwickbury School for alleged historical sexual abuse.

The Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP believes transparency is society's best defence against abuse;

'It brings it out into the open where it has previously lurked in the shadows. This is probably the greatest innoculation we can have as a society against this kind of thing happening out of sight and out of mind.'

Press coverage

The Sunday Times

The Sunday Times - All I wanted was an apology
Reproduced by kind permission of The Sunday Times and originally published on March 9, 2014
click here for full article

The New York Times

The New York Times - Wave of Sexual Abuse Allegations for Private Boy’s Schools in Britain
Reproduced by kind permission of The New York Times and originally published on March 16, 2014
click here for full article


If you have suffered sexual abuse whilst a pupil at Aldwickbury School, and would like to talk in confidence please contact one of the following:

info |blob| aldwickburyabuse |punt| com

We have a limited budget for professional counselling, from the settlement payments received.

Hertfordshire Police Child Abuse Investigation Unit.

The officers are highly experienced in dealing with historical sexual abuse. They are supportive and professional and everything is treated in total confidence. The police log all allegations of child sexual abuse, so making that call can really help other victims.

As a victim of sexual abuse you are granted anonymity by the law.

01707 355 923
or through the Hertfordshire Police switchboard on
01707 354 000

Alan Collins at Hugh James.

Alan is one of the best known solicitors in the field of child sex abuse law and has acted in many high profile cases, including the Jimmy Savile and Haut de la Garenne abuse scandals.

Alan represents former Aldwickbury School pupils who have taken or who are taking cases against Aldwickbury School for the sexual abuse they allege they suffered there in the 1970s. He also represents another Aldwickbury pupil who alleges he was sexually abused at Aldwickbury School in a later decade.

Alan is on
0207 936 3453
his email is
alan.collins |blob| hughjames |punt| com
postal address
Temple Chambers, 3-7 Temple Avenue, London EC4Y 0DA

Hugh James is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA Number:303202)